🎥 PEARL HARBOR (2001) | Full Movie Trailer in HD | 1080p

A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of an infamous Sunday morning in 1941.
Cast: Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett #MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie



  1. Yeah, the world paid a heavy price for Americans to prove they aren't cowards, which is still true. They used to hire the British and the Russians, but today they hide behind drones, nukes and advanced weapon systems….

  2. Here's what I think the Axis should've done. They should've attacked Poland like they already did with Russia. After a few months of the Winter War, after Russia is weakened, Germany and Japan and Italy should've attacked full force from both sides. But this time, Hitler should wait and start a spring offensive instead of winter and supply their soldiers. As Germany and Japan is weakened, they still have their supplies from the invasion. Germany then should wait 6 months to prepare an attack on France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark. After 1944, Japan should attack the US after being supplied by the Germans. They should take on British troops using the Blitzkrieg tactics and take on Africa after its free from Britain. Eve remaining countries should be taken later on. Hitler made a mistake attacking the Soviets without preparation. But if I was him, this is my tactic.

  3. Parece un anuncio de las bondades americanas pero, en realidad, Japón se vio obligado a ir a la guerra ya que las medidas económicas norteamericanas estrangulaban a Japón.
    Los americanos habían sacado de la bahía sus portaaviones y conocían la inminencia del ataque, pero simularon no saber nada para engañar a Japón.
    Incomprensiblemente, sacrificaron inutilmente las vidas de sus marinos para tapar su juego.
    Por lo tanto, pese a contar con
    buenos actores, el film falsea la verdad histórica.
    Una película para ver y olvidar.

  4. I can't believe she's the same women who acted in Underworld. How can someone look so beautiful here and badass in another movie?

  5. have gone thru some of the comments below..
    japan attacked US "Naval" force.. in return, US attached the cities of Japan.. the "Civilians"… wonder if somebody understands the difference between army VS army AND.. army VS civilians… Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never be forgotton…
    having history from the mouth of (so-called) winner is sometimes not all correct

  6. America always makes trouble then even until now. They always makes war. Look now on middle east. I hope America just mind their own people i mean that country still need to be fixed.. to be positive.

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