1. It was once said it’s a man’s actions that make him a hero and it’s through being a hero one becomes a legend and it’s through time legends become myths and it’s through reading these myths that men take action

  2. I’m sorry, but when I sing this song I start crying, but carry on. I’m here sitting in bed watching YouTube, while out there, the real legends are doing amazing things, some risking their lives….

  3. Me scrolling down, looking through the comments : A lot of these are about MARVEL.

    Does anyone else think of Doctor Who as well? I mean the Doctor never dies, just changes his/her face . . .

  4. It was buffering and the pop up said "Experiencing interruptions? Find out why."
    And I was like, "I know why. It's because my phone's being a dick and doesn't want me to listen to the song. The phone can't handle the absolute power and beauty within this masterpiece. That's why it's buffering. Bitch."

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