1. You ever watch this type of music or stuff or anything really and this overwhelming feeling comes over you that you want to do something and make a difference in the world, help someone or create this nostalgic feel for someone else to experience. But you don't know how

  2. I love her lighting choices in her music videos. Happier than ever was very warm and bright and matched the scenery, and this choice of a dark greenish-blue gives an eerie depressing feeling, and I wonder why there was no lights on In the house. Love it

  3. Read some article about how this is powerful and real etc.People identify with music and that is great if it helps someone out of a bad time. There’s something special about that in general and plenty of artists that have managed to do so.
    Unfortunately a lot of this type of thematic melodrama is mediocre at best and recycled et nausea by artists that are out of touch with their own privileges.
    Hearing and seeing someone at the beginning of their career feed off of trends and cash in on the mediocrity and low bars set for artistic power is a bit sickening. It’s as if a kazoo solo album would be deemed the same.
    The social construct of cliche humble bragging about depression is pretty volatile and the same applies when double standards and hypocrisy work their way into a brand.
    The lack of wisdom is something that can’t be helped along faster so I have no qualms in giving it a pass..

    When so many resources and choices are available to educate oneself on what is truly real or powerful is blunted by bandwagon trend worship whilst blind eyes ( and ears ) are pointed toward mediocrity it almost blackballs innovation and in turn we carry on with a distorted view teetering on willful ignorance to identify with another millionaire that changes what they stand for more than a clearance rack selection at a dollar store.

  4. at 1:30 or 1:32 ish play it back a few times, do you here her say "do you want me to sit here"?(it's very low) not realizing it can be heard. This song is so smooth and deep btw. She has such a good voice.

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