1. I dare him to say something bad about Islam and watch the sparks fly. We've taken religion out of everything and then we wonder why people are killing each other in schools, music events, airports and every other part of our society. It's these kind of stupidity that keeps our morality of humanity out our hearts.

  2. I have to ask, why portray the religious individual as an idiot and a 9 year old as a genius. Look I love sheldon, he is an amazingly confused character that if you follow through his life has been completely wrong about every assumption he has made. Assumptions about people, relationships, even his coveted string theory, but having him attack religion only proves he as a character has no clue how science works or what relevant data actually is. What's even more sad are the people that use this argument (the argument of a fictional 9 year old character that is wrong about everything meaningful in his own life) and try to shove it in the faces of people who like the character and the shows to make them "realise" that there can't be a power beyond human understanding. Pitty.

  3. I argue like with every religious person and most of them mind it badly.
    While here they're finding it cute.
    Why aren't my arguments cute? I'm just in my 20s, still a kid.

  4. God is real, faith in God is an incredible gift for those who walk by faith, not those who walk by sight. Anybody that says God isn't real is under the lies of the enemy of humanity. Father of heaven forgive us.

  5. While I do agree with the intention of this video,I can't agree with that title.
    This isn't ,"…vs religion"
    There are religions out there who don't even believe in a god.I am sure even Christianity has a segment of people who don't follow all the rules of an ancient book.

    Take mine.Though it would be a strech to call it,'a religion',one of hinduism's many beliefs is that,"tatvam asi" or "you/we are divine".
    I do not know how the world started.What I know is that we all come from the same place,"Brahman" or for casuals,A MEGA SOUL.
    It is the beginning and the end destination of a soul.

    Btw,Brahman is the name for universe that we use in hindi.Point is,if you want to say that the big bang is how the world started,feel free to think of,"Brahman" as the expanding universe.

    In short,the universe itself is divine.

    "What is the point of life then?"

    To attain,'moksha'.What does it mean?Everlasting peace or even "true death" if you want to.
    Hindus yearn neither for heaven nor hell,they yearn for their souls to merge back into the brahman,to end.
    What we think is that while everything is already divine,it doesn't recognize it's own divinity.It has material attachments to the world and it needs to fulfill those.Keep in mind that I say,'fulfill' not,'get rid of'.

    Infact for a true hindu,sex,love,wealth are one of the many things they need to acquire during their time in the material world.
    It's why we gave the world,"Kamasutra" that the west loves so much.
    It's literally a sexbook for maximum pleasure or pleasure fulfillment.

    "Why do we need to believe that this is any better?Your country is in deep crisis,hindus fight all the time and isn't "believing blindly" what the video opposes?"
    Feel free to not believe.
    There is a complete branch of Hinduism that doesn't believe in gods and just the,"everything is divine"
    That is where I am.I am what one would call a,'nastik' or a non believer.
    I still follow the basic guidelines like the whole universe being divine simply because I like it.

    If you don't even want to believe that then go ahead and do that.
    "Gyana yoga" is another branch of Hinduism.
    And yoga does not mean those streching expercises.Yoga just means 'work' or 'effort' even.
    Gyana yoga is simply study effort.
    As in,find what you want to believe yourself."Mathology" is okay here.
    However,those who won't follow it won't be,'stupid'.They would be just uncomfortable.Some people are happy being gay,other being lesbian and rest being straight.There isn't stupidity in either.It's just an instinctive comfort zone.Something that they were born with.

    Now,why is the country in crisis.The same reason why every country will eventually fall.Time.
    India already had it's good run with a golden age wayy back in the past.
    And just like every empire before and after it,it grew greedy,obese and docile.People with power came with ideas to twist the beliefs in their own benefit and slowly but surely,the country deteriorated.
    Right now,it's just a VERY CHEAP copy of United States.
    There was also outside intervention and this country,couldn't handle it.Got invaded again and again and again and eventually became stale.

    Why are hindus violent at times?
    Lack of education,outside intervention and vulture capitalism.
    As I said before,when good times finally came,people stopped being vigilant and leaving everything to the higher authorities.Things were great for some time but then texts like,"manusmriti" came.They go against everything that was established and created both caste system and a patriarchy.
    Obviously,hints of thus existed even before but before this,shifting from caste to caste was very poasible.The caste system was one based on ability not birth.

    But manusmriti came and declared that a 'shudra'(lower caste) and a woman's duty and enjoyment lies in serving the upper castes.
    Now,then why wasn't any uproar?
    Wrong.There is just not any historical evidence of it(or very little) in that time.And who writes history?The strong.
    Moreover,as these were times where both Kshatriyas(warriors) and Brahman(intelligence stuff) were the most required,courtesy of boom in technology and military,their priorities becane everyone's priorities.The first few generations were wooed by telling them how they are helping these,"hardworking people" and after that was done,the destruction started.
    The icing on the cake was to prevent both of these sectors from reading the older texts so they can't even question this,manusmriti.

    Then the Mughals came.While India did have a military,it wasn't it's main objective.It's main power was in culture and such.As such,they lost.
    They gave us something and took something.
    In the belief case,Islam had a god.As such,people,to retaliate,decided to twist their own religion's beliefs that turn the,"Brahman" into an entity and put the stamp of God on it.
    All for their own benefit and ego.Others accepted cause they already lacked education so they hated an outside religion.
    Newer books were written,older were stolen/burnt and just like any literary category,people focused more on the newer text rather than the old.
    Fast forward to modern times and colonialism.Manusmriti's as well as those monotheistic hindu beliefs were beneficial to the new rulers.They encouraged such things to even greater length.
    People rose to fight them.One of them was a man named,"Savarkar".One of the front men.Got captured and tortured in prision.Eventually,he offered to become the britisher's dog in exchange for freedom from torture.And that,is exactly what he did.
    With him and others of similar beliefs,he created what people call,"hindutva".A violent movement on the basis of twisted religion beliefs like not allowing other religions to exist,"cows being sacred" and all the shiz.

    And even after independence,those of these beliefs existed.It's what the guy who killer Mahatma Gandhi believed in.Books generally dilute it by referring to him as,"hindu" but his killer's actual beliefs were for hindutva.

    And the last piece,vulture capitalism.This one people already know about or can google like other terms so I don't think it needs any explanation.Still,the gist of it is rich getting richer and poor getting poorer but in a already pillaged country.

    I skipped some things like how,"atheism" came to be viewed badly in hinduism but I feel that me mentioning,lack of education will already clear these small doubts.

    I hope this LONG ASS explanation clears the people and the video's uploader on why this video's aim is nonsensical.
    It is absolutely correct to question things you don't understand and reach a conclusion you can be to terms with.That,is why I am an atheist hindu.Because I don't like the idea of 330 million gods and superstition.Everyone being divine and peace being the end destination is okay with me.
    If someone still doesn't feel right,they can go the extra mile and believe what they want to and and still be hindu.
    But taking it to the point where bashing others that they are wrong about an entity's existence just because humans haven't discovered it is downright ridiculous.Nevermind that referring to that as,"this is all religion is" is even more senseless.
    Humans are curious by nature and too little in this universe to give a judgement over anything.
    If someone wants to believe that we are just living in a simulation,then even that is fine but believing in a meaning in life or a larger scale isn't?
    They both will require people to start with SOME assumption.
    Different faiths have different sets of assumptions.The only thing that is necessary is for a religion to evolve as the known knowledge increases.There is no reason to bash it.People follow them out of a curiousness to find comfort,atleast in my religion.

    Presenting religions in such a bad light just because fanatics exist is not a good thing to do.

    Holy shit my phone is lagging so much.

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