The Great Subway Jalapeño Scandal

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this is a video about how subway needs to fix their stupid jalepeno situation.

Gus Johnson plays all sorts of characters, from Mitchell Robbins to JK Rowling to some guy in God’s Country to shooting videos with his mom to I don’t know why I am writing this. I am Gus. I wrote this.

Thanks for watching and sharing! Don’t stab people. I’ll see you later.



  1. Barking up the wrong tree. No way in hell subway makes their employees slice jalps in–store. Corporate buys them in bulk in large cans or jars from a food provider that gets them from the factory that produces them, either from one source nation wide, or different sources depending on region. Contact subway corporate and ask them where they buy their jalps from. Then, go visit or call up the company that actually cans the stems and tear them a polite new one.

    Besides, you should have just bought, say, two sandwiches from ten stores and broadened your range a little. 5 sandwiches from the same shop means five servings of jalps from the same food prep container in store and probably same jar from source. It becomes redundant after the first one or two sandwiches per store.

  2. stop editing out completely natural pauses in between sentences, please. why must we need to cater to children and adult children who have no attention span? it makes these types of videos unwatchable.

  3. I've never had a stem at any of mine ever. I've lived In illinois, Texas, and ND. Problem is, subways are franchised. So you sir, need to start going to some subways with better management.

  4. I see where ya comin from but.. dawg.. I'd eat that stem, those were just peno butt, and there are more delicious like a spicy gherkin rather than the tiny skinny round boys. Shame. Shame on your entire network

  5. Dude, I'm not kidding you, this should be the only type of content you produce. I laughed way too hard over a video about jalapeno stems. Might I just say, same fucking problem with the banana peppers.

  6. the jalapenos just come in bag precut, assumedly by a machine. Cut open the bag and dump it in a bin. The employees should be looking at the shit they're putting on the sandwhich though, picking that shit out.

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