Keala Settle – This Is Me (Lyrics video) The Greatest Showman

Hello guys!
This is lyrics video song called This Is Me originally by Keala Settle, Thumbs up if you like it subs if you like it.
Thanks for watching Keala Settle – This Is Me (Lyrics video) The Greatest Showman
#KealaSettle #ThisIsMe #TheGreatestShowman #lyricsvideo #cover #music #newsong




  1. It is ironic that The Greatest Showman is my favorite movie when I don't usually don't like musical movies. I just love everything about it. The characters, the story, the music etc.

  2. Since I joined the furry fandom in early August I’ve gotten a lot more hatred and disrespect from my colleagues and asked the Lord for help through this part of life. The only support I have for being a furry is my friend Ashlee and a friend on Discord named Zetaomega. And the non furries let their hatred run wild on YouTube. They say to kill us on sight and that makes me die inside. But listening to this song made me feel a little bit better about myself. Not a lot but a little bit. And the Lord has helped some in the past weeks with this crisis. If I can get some love from fellow furries in this comment section then it would really help me a lot.

  3. Wait wait wait THERE IS A MISTAKE SORRY LOOK ON 0:51 its says "when the sharpest words wanna cut me down im gonna send a flood gonna drown them out i am brave i am BRUISED NOT PROOF SORRY


  4. My school made us do a choreographed dance to this to promote body positivity. So much for that though because doing the dance made me feel 100 times more self concious about my body lmao.

  5. I am part of the largest choir in Europe, we are called Le choeur du
    Sud, we are currently 2200 singers. On the occasion of our concert in
    one of the biggest halls of France, we had the opportunity to sing This
    is me here the link, can you put us a comment we are fans and admirers
    of your work! Thank you to you
    Here the link : @

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