FLIR1: Official UAP Footage from the USG for Public Release

Exclusive analysis brought to you by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science: FLIR1 is the second of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and approved for public release. It is the only official footage captured by a US navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz incident off the coast of San Diego. Like Gimbal, this footage comes with crucial chain-of-custody (CoC) documentation because it is a product of US military sensors, which confirms it is original, unaltered, and not computer generated or artificially fabricated. While there have been leaked versions on the internet, the CoC establishes the authenticity and credibility that this version is the original footage taken from one of the most advanced sensor tracking devices in use.

Read further analysis of what is being observed in the video on our community of interest:



  1. ¡Ahora!, en el mismo orden de ideas, que se trate de naves aéreo-espaciales, creo que seria muy irresponsable dar semejante declaración, sin la debida acreditación profesional, moral o militar. Lo otro es que pudiera tratarse realmente de un modelo de aeronave extranjera, destinada a la invasión de espacios para captar información en tiempo real , ¿Acaso es imposible?. Como también es posible la presencia de otras especies de seres vivientes en otros mundos, con intenciones semejantes, cosa tambien un poco extraña, porque si se supone una especia mucho mas inteligente que nosotros los seres humanos, ¿Como es que se arriesguen tanto ante una especia tan hostil como los militares norteamericanos?

  2. Sin querer ser muy escéptico con el tema, me atrevo a pensar, que en el caso de este o estos OVNI, pudiera tratarse de un objeto invasivo, que de alguna manera, logra burlar la estricta seguridad del espacio aéreo internacional o nacional de los EEUU, ademas de captar la atención de millones de personas, lo cual se presta para una distracción colectiva, masiva , "Irregular e inusual" en estos tiempos y en estos estos espacios

  3. Por otra parte, el hecho de que un objeto no sea identificado responsablemente, no quiere decir que pertenezca o no, a alguna flota aérea de algún país, tampoco indica que este tripulado o no, de hecho caracterizar como OVNI a un objeto, no es patente de corso para afirmar su origen, seguramente quienes lo tripulan o lo conduzcan a distancia, si saben exactamente su identificación, origen, ruta y destino, incluso, cual es su misión

  4. Un OVNI es tal, según la capacidad de observación y análisis de quien lo avista, todo aparato que vuela y no se puede dar con su identificación, es simplemente un "Objeto Volador No Identificado" . Hasta ahí no veo nada extraño en eso de clasificar a un objeto que se desplaza por los aires, lo que si queda, totalmente demostrado, es que a pesar de las avanzadas tecnologías de la US Army, estas no tienen la capacidad para identificar todo lo que vuela, ¿No les parece extraño?

  5. propaganda, this way when we see their new stealth aircraft, we can mistakenly think its a UAP and their secret can live longer. Or, that was just the flir moving around, during tracking, as opposed to the collapsing hot air ballon in front of the aircraft. you pick.

  6. In a press release marking the official launch of TTSA on Oct. 11, 2017, former Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs at the Skunk Works, Steve Justice, described how TTSA was working on developing revolutionary "Advanced Electromagnetic Vehicles" that will "dramatically reduce the current travel limits of distance and time" and "mimic the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a drive system that alters the space-time metric." Without a doubt, these advanced electromagnetic vehicles that TTSA says it plans to develop sound uncannily like the electromagnetic hybrid aerospace underwater craft in Pais's patent.

  7. “The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application,” says Steve Justice, current COO of To The Stars Academy and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin's "Skunk Works." “They've been collected from sources with varying levels of chain-of-custody documentation, so we are focusing on verifiable facts and working to develop independent scientific proof of the materials' properties and attributes. In some cases, the manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available, but the material has been in documented possession since the mid-1990's. We currently have multiple material samples being analyzed by contracted laboratories and have plans to extend the scope of this study.” TTSA will also seek to engage the potential partners who have expressed interest in helping accelerate ADAM research and development.

    “If the claims associated with these assets can be validated and substantiated, then we can initiate work to transition them from being a technology to commercial and military capabilities,” adds Justice. “As noted in our October 2017 TTSA kickoff webcast, technologies that would allow us to engineer the spacetime metric would bring capabilities that would fundamentally alter civilization, with revolutionary changes to transportation, communication, and computation.”

    A Public Benefit Corporation, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science is a consortium of scientists, aerospace engineers, and creatives working collectively to empower gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the support to rapidly transition innovative ideas into world-changing products and services.

  8. these UAP or UFOs are real. To the Stars Academy has it written on their website:

    San Diego, CA (July 25, 2019) – To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) has acquired multiple pieces of metamaterials and an archive of initial analysis and research for their controversial ADAM Research Project. ADAM, an acronym for Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials, is an academic research program focused on the exploitation of exotic materials for technological innovation.

    The ownership of these assets, which were previously retained and studied by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe and are reported to have come from an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin

  9. US navy has patented the technology behind these crafts: search Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais; thedrive dot com has written a few articles about it.

  10. Ummm… so like, so what? Is THIS video supposed to make anyone believe anything? I've had a better encounter than this alleged incident. In the end, who cares?

  11. The only reason our military would ever declassify UFO footage as being real, would be that our country has successfully reverse engineered their tech, and we are now under the impression that we're able to defend ourselves.

    Don't do it USA. We haven't captured a mothership yet.

  12. I happen to have been in this squadron when they were F-14 Tom Cats, I was also in charge of ensuring that each of our jets was coded with the daily IFF code (Identify Friend or Foe), my questions is was there any attempt to verify this objects IFF code? If they were unable to verify the objects IFF code and the object was over US airspace, their orders are to shoot it down! This seems to be a lot of unprofessional excitement rather than highly trained professionals tasked with the security and safeguards of the US.

  13. At a time when everything is changing. Potential balances, boundaries, peoples' movements, energy production, religions, alliances, technologies and of course the information becomes more immediate and easy, it makes sense that it seemed taboo to look natural. In a nutshell, the Hollywood plans are the reality … In the near future, and in the town square, the mother ship!…. 🙂

  14. There's a problem that we can only able to see 1 video or 2 that confirmed by U.S.A but actually in my opinion there's lot's of videos kind of this and which is real…

  15. I would have thought that the US Military would have better cams. My 20 euro front door cam from China has a much better image quality than this. P'S. I've seen ufo's too, back in the 90ties it were fast moving colored lights near Maastricht. Since that day I knew for sure we're not alone out here, I always found it logical that we're not alone, we are not THAT special….

  16. Oh, don't mind that. It's just one of the Cipher drones Snake let go of in Smash Brothers. There's like, a million of them littering the upper atmosphere now.

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