1. I lost my dad when i was 7 years old by a bike accident,and now i am 16,Yesterday my friend suggest me to listen to this song,this make me feel so close to my dad,i miss him so much,wish he still here:')……

  2. I think my late husband wrote this song through you. He died Feb 18, 2018. Maybe you already had it written. Too many inside meanings to be a coincidence. ALL OF THE VIDEO, WORDS, MUSIC have special significance. Even the 3 on the boat. Thank you for this special New Year's gift for me and my children. Love to you and yours.

  3. Since I was young my dad wasn't there with me. He would work in the fields for me and my mom. I would also always have fights with him. But now I know I realize how important he is to me and will always love him

  4. My father died in front of me due to a heart attack back in March. He had just turned 38 a couple of days prior. This was the first year of my entire life that I had to celebrate any holidays, birthday included, without him here. Even though he wasn't the best man at times and had made many mistakes, I miss him terribly. Needless to say, this song speaks to me in more ways that I can even explain. To those of you who happen upon my comment, I have one piece of advice for you: Spend time with your loved ones. It doesn't matter how long… even if it's just watching a movie or two, baking cookies, helping with dinner, or just talking about each other's day for a little while… please do it, because those memories will be so precious to you once they're gone. Guilt is a powerful thing,take it from me, for I would do anything just to be able to hear the sound of my dad's voice again.

  5. I hope my daughter doesn’t hear this. I hope she knows I’ll fight till my last breathe to be with her and when she is older she will know the truth and that I’ve given everything in the fight for her.

  6. "All I want to say is that you're so far away." It could have been "All I wanna say is that I Love You", but this line is brutally honest. Telling the truth that the dad is far away just breaks a million hearts.

  7. I have lost my dad when i was just 4. Maybe it is strange but I remember the days which we spend together and it has been 13 years and i have realized that i have forgotten his smell

  8. I lost my dad since I was 2 months old.
    I haven’t seen his face.
    I haven’t heard his voice.
    the real tragedy is he could never come back. I miss him so much. I don’t have any brother. I’m single child so I want someone to hold my back, hug and say “ don’t you dare to give up?”
    I’m not okay

  9. I met my dad when I was 17 spend 2 yrs with him, we both learn how to love each other, I had to come back to USA. He past away 3 yrs ago…. I miss him so much and wht really hurts, I wasn't there his last days.

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