Brick Lane

A young Bangladeshi woman, Nazneen, arrives in 1980s London, leaving behind her beloved sister and home for an arranged marriage and a new life. Trapped within the four walls of her flat in East London, and in a loveless marriage with the middle-aged Chanu, she fears her soul is quietly dying. Her sister Hasina, meanwhile, continues to live a carefree life back in Bangladesh, stumbling from one adventure to the next. Nazneen struggles to accept her new lifestyle, and keeps her head down in spite of her predicament, but she’s soon forced to confront her dreams when the hotheaded young Karim comes knocking at her door. (Original Title – Brick Lane) © 2007 Seven Seas (SL) Limited, UK Film Council and Channel Four Television Corporation. All Rights Reserved.



  1. The movie was a very interesting.its about family it’s about love, faith and understanding. Thank you for up loading this movie it’s was one of the best.

  2. Was this woman a Muslim?
    Because he prays,
    If she was a Muslim, then why did he commit adultery ?

    The filmmaker has tried to portray Muslims as very bad

  3. Hello world. I see most people say they like the movie and see a message. What I get from it. Is, its OK to cheat on your husband . Let your kids decide what will and is going to happen . I mean poor guy was trying. They didn't seem to be having problems with money. Until the wife wanted to go back home. Sad that it was so easy to throw away 20 years. Just cause the problem child and wife decided to stay. Which takes me back to, there was no problem until the wife wanted to go back. In conclusion , I felt sad because of how incredibly simple it was for a Family to fall apart. Thanks for reading.

  4. Culture, religion, skin colour, race and language are stronghold in many folks eyes

    For many, who can't and never will see beyond traditions and learned hatred towards others

  5. That landlady loan shark is a black widow spider, a venomous viper snake and user, taking advantage of people

    high way robber, very cheeky

    Plus the husband wanting to keep up appearances, borrowing, spending and living above the needs of his pay, hence borrowing from that bloody shark

  6. The husband's ego, pride, proudness is his demise and not treating his wife as an equal in their marriage and home

    Societal traditions and ways have immigrants either assimilating and adopting to wrongs that seems to be called correct and righteous

    Thus their demise whether good or bad in countries that are not second or third world countries

    But when foreigners ventured to the second and or third world countries; these countries adopt for the visitors and yet they hardly or never adopt to the 2nd or 3rd world citizens

  7. Creo q el islam es interpretado por sus seguidores según su necesidad y beneficio y dónde la mujer siempre tiene el lado miserable sin la oportunidad de elegir su vida, en ningún aspecto, es por eso que esta mujer conoce el amor de esta manera, las leyes y la religión son guiados por el hombre, porque Dios no necesita un templo, una mesquita y ninguna iglesia para ser adorado.

  8. Every immigrant will feel the pain of this story. The last shot is devastating: watch the nuanced change in her facial expression, revealing her mental transformation and realizations, and watch her fingers. When you realize you are never going home again, because home is not there anymore.

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